Mar 14, 20201 min

There is a Moana in all of us.....


There is a Moana in all of us....

Wanting to be that perfect daughter, son, wife, husband, mother, father, friend, etc.... Wanting to be the perfect logical fit to everything and everyone around us.


There is that longing....

To be near water....

No matter what we do, which path we take, we end up answering to that longing, that calling,

End up in front of that Ocean.

Feeling restless, Unsettled...

Then one day, if you are brave enough,

You will embark on a journey...

And you will lose a lot,

Then you will gain...

Then you will gain so much,

You will face the most adverse opponent of them all, your own self,

If you make it past your worst fears,

When you make it past your fears,

You will find out who you are meant to be!

You will find out who you are,

You will find out that you are going to be a Work In Progress all your life!

Be brave.

Not every battle is visible, loud or bloody

Let the warriors of inner self loose,

Let her battle the fears,

Let her begin the journey to be the truest of Work In Progress!

Luv from me in the morning.


